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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Britney Spear's Team Speak On The Alleged Boyfriend Abuse


This morning, Radaronline released two audio tapes of Britney talking about her "alleged abuse" to her ex-husnabd that her boyfriend Jason Trawick beat her up. The story is on the front cover of Star magazine. The magazine also said that she was pregnant with his baby.

Listen To The Tapes:
Audio #1
Audio #2

However, Britney's team issues a statement today saying the story is false.

Every aspect of the story published by Star Magazine is completely and utterly false and Star Magazine was informed of the falsity of this story before it was published. The statements attributed to Jason Alexander are a complete fabrication as Britney has not had any form of communication with Mr. Alexander in years. The audio recording posted on Radaronline this morning purporting to be between Britney Spears and Jason Alexander is so obviously fake as to be laughable. Suffice it to say, that Jason Trawick has never laid a hand on Britney. This is just another example of the irresponsible nature of the tabloid media relying on shoddy sources and false information for the sole purpose of selling magazines, without regard to the truth and without regard to who they hurt in the process. These irresponsible statements are defamatory and Britney Spears’ legal team will be taking legal action against all of the appropriate parties.”

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