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Saturday, July 19, 2014

VIDEO: Man Dies After Cops Use Chokehold Technique During Arrest

Man Dies In Chokehold

There is a disturbing video that has gone viral of an Staten Island man who dies after cops put in a chokehold. NYtimes and several other news outlets are reporting that a  man name Eric Garner was arrested by the police for illegally selling cigarettes. The cops then pull him to the ground and using the chokehold technique. You can hear the man "I Can't Breathe". One witness have said he was NOT selling illegal cigarettes. Now his family is demanding justice.

Mayor Bill De Blasio has released a statement

On behalf of all New Yorkers, I extend my deepest condolences to the family of Mr. Garner, who died yesterday afternoon while being placed in police custody. We have a responsibility to keep every New Yorker safe, and that includes when individuals are in custody of the NYPD. That is a responsibility that Police Commissioner Bratton and I take very seriously. We are harnessing all resources available to the City to ensure a full and thorough investigation of the circumstances of this tragic incident. The NYPD’s Internal Affairs Bureau is working closely with the Office of the Richmond County District Attorney, which is leading this investigation."

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