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Thursday, August 14, 2014

WTF Moment # 6 .. Knife Falls From Sky Into Man's Head

Man Survives Falling Knife Stab

This is something you see in one of those Final Destination films. A knife falls from the sky into a Asian man's head in China. So where did the kife come from? reports the knife fell from an 8 floor balcony apartment and it just so happens the knife landed on a 57-year old Chinese man's head name Yunzhi Xiao

"It hurt a lot," Xiao told the station from the hospital. "I cried out, 'My head! My head hurts! But I did not know what had happened."
Only hours after the incident, doctors were able to remove the knife from his head, Chinese publication Caijing reported. Police said the knife had been knocked over the ledge by wind.

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