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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Wal-Mart Throws Out Four Black Men For 'Shopping Too Slow' ; Cops Admits To Being Racist

Black Men Get Thrown Out At Wal-Mart For 'Shopping Too Slow '

Another case of racism by the police and this time they admit it on video. An incident that happened  at a Florida Wal-Mart where four black shoppers were kicked out the store because they were taking too long to finish up their shopping, one got arrested.  Why did the police show up in the first place? because another customer felt impatient that were taking too long.

Mediatakeout reports
"One of the men, later revealed to have been in a car accident recently, drove one of the store's electric carts. Apparently, however, the store's manager felt the men were "taking too long," and rather than approaching them, himself, to voice his bigotry to their faces, he called the police on them instead, seeking to have them removed from the store."

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