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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Group of Black Women Get Kicked Out A Wine Tour Train For 'Laughing Too Loud"

Black Women Kick Off Train

 A group of a black women who were part of a book club were kicked out a wine tour train for allegedly laughing too loud. Lisa Johnson who is a novelist spoke to Inside Edition about the incident. she says her 11 of her girlfriends who are all black were told to keep the noise level down because several passengers were complaining that they were being loud and they kicked out the trian.

She quotes

 "We were approached by the matre d' and told us that we were going to have to keep the noise level down a little bit because one of the passengers was complaining. Then the matre d' came over a second time and said: 'That's it! This is not going to work. People are complaining,'"

She beleives that it was discrimination as the non-black passengers were bahving the same way and they were not kicked out .


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