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Saturday, August 22, 2015

LAPD Detective Russell Poole Dies Of Heart Attack After Re-Opening Biggie Smalls Murder Case

 Was Russell Poole Silenced?

Russell Poole who was the lead detective in the Biggie Smalls case has died suddenly of a heart attack while interviewing a LAPD cop after he re-opened the case. TMZ reports he had a heart attack during interview he did with the LAPD captain about bigge's murder.  Rusell Poole planned to write a tell all book about the case 

In this video, he believed that LAPD cops were involved in Biggie's murder 

Social media is already speculating that he died so he can be silenced about the case


1 comment:

Sonny said...

He was silenced. Go on YouTube and listen to the audio book "chaos merchants" by Russell Poole before he was silenced in la county sheriff office as he was discussing opening the cases back up.