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Monday, June 21, 2010

Lady Gaga's new album is "done"

Lady Gaga who recently appeared in the newest issue of Rolling Stone magazine cover wearing nothing but a bra like machine gun. On the latest issue of Rolling Stone magazine she explains about her new album which will release in early 2011.


There are very few details out there about what Gaga's next album will sound like, but she say it's already finished. She's planning to announce the title of the album — due early next year — at midnight on New Year's Eve. "I think I'm gonna get the album title tattooed on me and put out the photo," she said. "I've been working on it for months now, and I feel very strongly that it's finished right now. It came so quickly. Some artists take years; I don't. I write music every day."
Covering such topics as love and celebrity on her previous efforts, this new album will veer more toward the political. "Why are we still talking about 'Don't ask, don't tell'? It's like, what f---ing year is it? It makes me crazy! And I have been for three years baking cakes — and now I'm going to bake a cake that has a bitter jelly. The message of the new music is now more bitter than it was before," she teased. "Because the sweeter the cake, the more bitter the jelly can be."

Click here to see the cover

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