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Friday, June 10, 2011

Tracy Morgan's Homophobic Meltdown


You Are An Idiot

We all know comedians can go too far with their "jokes" well, 30 Rock star and former SNL cast member Tracy Moran went on a homophobic rant on stage in Nashville during his comic stand up. He slams Obama for supporting the LGMT community, he says that being gay is choice and that if his son was gay, he would STAB him.

Here are some of his comments.

 "Born this Way" is bullshit, gay is a choice"
"there is no way a woman could love and have sexual desire for another woman"
gays needed to quit being pussies"
"gay was something kids learn from the media and programming"

Today, he apologized for the anti-hay rant saying he is not a hateful person

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