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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Woman Gets Slapped and Arrested After She Taunts A Man's Sense Of Style On F Trian

The F Train Brawl

There is a video that is going viral of a brawl on the F train between a man and woman. The woman's name Daney Howard and she , along with her friends, was taunting a man's fashion sense on the train name Jorge Pena. She made fun his 8 ball leather jacket he was wearing. But like what they say 'every action, there is a reaction. This girl messed with wrong dude and he retaliated and slapped her. 

They even attacked the person filming the video. Both parties were arrested for a misdemeanor assault and disorderly conduct . But Daney Howard was also charged with assault with a weapon which was her shoe

Watch video:

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