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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Black Man Found Dead In Jail After Allegedly Stealing $5 Worth Of Snacks

Mysterious Death Of Jaymichael Mitchell

A mentally ill black man name Jaymichael Mitchell was found in his cell after spening four months without bail behind bars for allegedly stealing $5 worth of snacks in a 7/11.  His family reports that they believe he was starved to death and the police refusing to give him his medication. Jaymichael suffered from bipolar disorder and  schizophrenia. 

His aunt quotes

  “His body failed. It is extraordinary. The person I saw deceased was not even the same person. He just chain-smoked and made people laugh.He never did anything serious, never harmed anybody,”

He was accused of stealing a bottle of mountian Dew, Snickers bar and Zebra cake

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