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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Rihanna wants her new album to be like "Thriller" is reporting that Rihanna wants her next album to match the success of Michael Jackson's Thriller album.

Bu Thiam explains that Rihanna wants an Thriller like album


Rihanna is coming along incredibly. I’m trying to push her to where every song will be a hit from 1 to 12. I’m talking about NO album fillers. Our bar for this album is Michael Jackson’s Thriller. We got smashes from Stargate, Ester Dean, Mel & Mus and Rock City. We’re definitely going in with Ne-Yo, The-Dream and other writers and producers that have always been a part of her creative process since day one. She’s great to work with and very hands on with every song that’s being written and produced. She has visual concepts for just about every song. It’s already giving me the feel of a timeless album, and right now is her time.

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