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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Brittany Murphy's mom shared a bed with her husband after her death

Um okay, who thinks this is a bit odd and creepy? After her daughter's death Brittany Muprhy's mom Sharon Murphy shared a bed with her daughter's husband Simon Monjack until his death in May.

details from

The L.A. Coroner's Office just released their report on Simon Monjack's death.

In the report, the investigator documents an exchange with a person whose name has been withheld -- but whom law enforcement sources have identified as Brittany's mother, Sharon Murphy.

According to the report, the investigator and the unnamed person (Sharon) were going through the master bedroom in the Hollywood Hills home that Simon shared with Brittany ... when (Sharon) pointed to one side of Simon's bed and identified it as "her side of the bed."

Sharon also told the investigator that certain prescriptions in the nightstand -- bearing the names Sharon Murphy and Sharon Monjack -- were also hers. 

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