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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Katy Perry is too hot for Sesame Street? + POLL

I'm sure you guys have heard about the controversy surrounding Katy Perry being banned from Sesame street because of her cleavage. She was on going to be on the show new season but the video was leaked on youtube recently causing an uproar from parents complaining about.

some of the comments from the parents:

"You can practically see her t*ts. That's some wonderful children's programming."
"they're gonna have to rename it cleavage avenue"
"my kid wants milk now"

because of this the producers of the show decided not air it on the show. But my thing if she was showing too much cleavage then why is she wearing the outfit in the first place? Obviously the producers of the show thought it okay for her wear it and now they are banning it because of the angry comments from parents?  Yes, I know that this is a children's show but the producers should have known better if this was going to happen.

Do You think Katy Perry was too hot for Sesame Street?

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