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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Movie Review: My Soul To Take

 So I went to see this movie yesterday. This movie is by Wes Craven. The same guy who produced the Scream franchise. So that is the main reason why i wanted to see it.

This movie is also in 3D. I did not care too much for the 3D effects. I don't understand why this movie was in 3D. When you put the glasses on it did not really like it was in 3D. So I watch the movie with out glasses on.

Now to me this movie got mix reviews from people. When the movie was done some folks at theater said the movie "stupid "dumb"  Me personally, i thought that the movie was interesting.... in a good way. i enjoyed it.

If you are into the "who is the killer " type of horror movie. Then you will like this one was because that is what it is. One of the group teens is possessed by Jack The Ripper.


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