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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Crazy Woman Injects Her 8 Year Old Daughter With Botox and Gives Her Crotch Waxes


So there is this crazy woman name Kerry Campbell who injects her 8-year old daughter with botox every month and gives her daughter crotch waxes just so she can a model or a star in the future.

What I am doing for Britney now will help her become a star. I know one day she will be a model, actress or singer, and having these treatments now will ensure she stays looking younger and baby-faced for longer,” 

Her daughter name Britney says she checks for "wrinkles" every night and wants a boob job and breast implants.  I don't know what to say, this girl needs to be taken away from her delusional mother. Eight year olds DO NOT have wrinkles.  She should be playing with her toys not worrying about how she looks. Stage moms are insecure women. 

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