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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Celebritys Tweet About The Casey Anthony Verdict


Celebritries Share Their Thoughts

Celebrities have also been folowing up with Casey Anthony trial and now they share thoughts on the verdict onb Twitter. My favorite tweet is from Sharon Osbourne.

Holly Marie Combs (@HDonoho): “Outraged. Out. Raged.” … ”Hold up. They found her guilty of lying. Lying to covering up something she didn’t do? Fascinating.” … “If not reporting your child missing for 31 days is not aggravated child abuse I dont know what is. I really don’t. #JudicialSystem”

Roseanne Barr (@TheRealRoseanne): “miscarriage of justice…our system is broken and it sucks–death penalty should be removed–that’s why she got off”…”victory for all child murderers!”…”casey-you were so smart to hide the body in the swamp! You got away with killing your baby!”

Kaley Cuoco (@kaleycuoco): “Nice justice system. I can’t breathe. I can’t think. I’m sick. God help us.”

Carson Daly (@carsonjdaly): “That jury better get into hiding.”

Rainn Wilson (@rainnwilson): “Dear Florida, THANK YOU for freeing Casey! She’s now available for partying and babysitting!”

Sharon Osbourne (@MrsSOsbourne): “Casey Anthony not guilty??…’s a disgrace. She’ll probably get her own reality show now.”

Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian): “WHAT!!??!! CASEY ANTHONY NOT GUILTY!!!! I’m speechless!!!”….”Reading the comments here &its nuts people think just bc I was close to the OJ trial I can’t have my own opinion on the Casey Anthony case?”

Mandy Moore (@themandymoore): “i’m from orlando and have been hooked on the trial the last few weeks. the defense team was abysmal! this is shocking! poor, poor caylee.”

Jason Biggs (@biggsjason): “I guess the glove didn’t fit.”

Fred Savage (@thefredsavage): “It’s a great day for people who kill their children.”

Emmy Rossum (@emmyrossum): “Casey Anthony admitted that her daughter died on HER watch. Isn’t that the very definition of abuse/neglect? #JusticeForCaylee”

Patti Stanger (@PattiStanger) “have been watching Casey Anthony trial from the beginning. Did the jury just lose their minds? She chloroformed her kid, need I say more!”

Kristen Schaal (@KristenSchaaledd): “We are in a new world where DNA trumps COMMON SENSE.”

Chad Lowe (@ichadlowe): “I haven’t been following it, but I wonder if the media would be paying as much attention if #CayleeAnthony had been a minority?”

Aubrey O’Day (@aubreyoday): “They said she’s Not Guilty guys. The jury was her maker & that’s the law. I don’t know,my heart hurts. I don’t feel like justice was served.”

Lo Bosworth (@lobosworth): “Casey will forever be a pariah even though she got off. Eww.”

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