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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Teen Mom Gets Arrested For Hanging Toddler From A Hook

A teen mother name Alexis Britton  is facing child abuse charges after she hanged 1 year old baby from a hook as a 'joke'. The incident happened back in September when the child's father posted the photo on his facebook page after he got into an argument with the child's mother.

The father posted: 
"Everybody think that alexis is a good mom this is what she sent me,” Welch posted. “tell me wat the fuk yall think.”

The mother responded back on her Facebook page saying she was just 'playing' and people need to 'mind their own business'

The cops came to my house twice last night and saw that he was fine. They think this was immature and dumb of me but he saw I was playing and no one needs to know everything going on because some of you aren’t parents and no one knows the full story. Mind your own f*cking business,” 

Here is the disurbing photo 



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