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Friday, January 2, 2015

John Crawford's Girlfriend Tasha Thomas Dies In Car Crash

John Crawford's Girlfriend Dies In Car Crash

In more sad turn of events, Tasha Thomas, who was the girlfriend John Crawford was shot by the police five-moths ago at Wal-mart for holding toy has died to car crash on New Years Day. reports she getting a ride to her car when the vehicle crashed into a pole and overturned. She died on the scene. The now deceased couple is now survived by their newborn baby. 

"It just sounded like a big bang and just a ton of metal just tumbling down the street," said a witness, "When I looked out I saw two bodies laying and I really didn't want to see no more."Neighbors couldn't believe what they saw."I really didn't know what to say. It's the first day of the year and you see two dead bodies, that's not good," said Carlos Foster.Police say Tasha Thomas was in the car with Frederick Bailey, a friend.

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