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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Rumor Mill: Did Chris Brown had a gay lover?

Does Chris Brown have a dark secret?

 Jordan, who is an aspiring rapper, claims that he was the one who sent those text messages to Chris Brown during the fateful night when Chris beat up Rihanna. Though during our initial he won’t tell us what was going on sexually (who was on top who was on bottom) he did state it wasn’t really romantic. They just wanted to get off sexually. Often times involving another girl, some times just them

What he says in the video

- says repeatedly that he and Chris are not gay (he has two kids and "Chris likes the bitches")
- says Chris isn't the type to beat up girls
- he thought it was shitty of Rihanna to go on 20/20
- he doesn't want to be famous, is keeping his identity secret because he wants to be a rapper
- wishes Rihanna the best of luck, hasn't spoken to Chris in two years

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