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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Miley Cyrus Confonts a Female Paparazzi

Miley Cyrus has scored major points with on this. There is a video of this female paparazzi, who has been filming her having breakfast with her sister Noah Cyrus. I guess Miley Cyrus was annoyed by it and she went up to her and confronted her about it saying  "you are disrespectful and rude"  "Have some class, dude c,mon"

Here is the video

More celebrities should do this. I don't blame her for doing that. Sometimes paparazzis REALLY need to back off. What also cracked me up is that the woman said :"I wasn't filming" Um really? then why do you have a video camera on your hand? What were you using for? Filming birds? some of these pararazzi's are dumb.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There are Female Paparazzi? Really did not know that lol.