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Friday, December 3, 2010

Keep A Child Alive Charity Fails hmmmm I Wonder Why


Early this week I made a blog post about the Digital Death Fundraiser which is the Keep A Child Alive  where celebs such as Kim Kardashian, Ryan Seacrest, Alicia Keys, Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake sacrificed their internet life by being "dead" until 1 million has been raised in ONE day. Well the campaign FAILED. - via

I am not shocked that this campaign failed. My question why any of these celebrities donating anything? Instead they are asking their fans that don't the type of money like that? They are the ones who are wealthy and rich. Each of them can donate 1 million to the this charity if they really cared.  

My major problem with this is that they are making this campaign about them and not about the real issue which is Aids. Sacrificing their internet life? Many people don't care about celebs being on Twitter, hell they are people out there that don't care about twitter period.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude learn how to fucking type correctly. If this is gonna be a professional blog site then you need to use the right grammar and punctuation and learn how to fucking spell.

Like seriously did you ever go to college?