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Monday, July 18, 2011

Woman Banned From Every Single Walmart In America For Couponing


Woman Banned From Walmart

Walmart is all about saving money and living better right? Well not for April Cuevas a Idaho woman who was banned from every single Wal Mart in America over an argument over.... coupons!  she was informed WalMart's policy known as "Ad Match" had undergone changes the previous week. 

As such, she took it upon herself to discuss these matters with one of the store managers and see if she could get a better grasp on the concept. The issue may not have even been the coupons themselves and Cuevas said she couldn't help but ponder the idea that it could have been the argument, or the recording of video footage with her iPhone that ended up getting her banned. Her suspicion - as well as her husband's - is that it was the video.
Rennie Cuevas - April's husband - said he is frightened that WalMart will attempt to ban him as well for asserting his views on their policies. And with the economy the way it is, April said penny pinching is all but crucial.

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