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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Another Missouri Teen Shot And Killed By Off Duty Cop For Mistaken His Sandwich For A Gun

Another Black Teen Killed

Just almost two months since the Mike Brown shooting, another Missouri black teen was shot and killed last night by a off duty cop. 

An 18 year old high school teen Vonderrit Myers J was reportedly shot 16 times by an unidentified cop last night. St: Louis chief Sam Dotson said in a press conference that he spotted three males who her thought acted suspicious. 

'One of them ran in a way that the officer believed that he was armed with a gun – holding his waist band, not running at full stride,' 

Vondeerrit was shot three times by the cop and then returned to shoot again after Vonderrit reached for his gun . He was wearing an ankle bracelet for a gun charge he had.

Here is the press conference video

However, his family has come out to the media telling a different. Story his cousin told a St. Louis news site that he holding sandwich and the cop mistook it for a gun. His uncle is also not buying the chief's version of the story.

He says:

'My nephew was coming out of a store from purchasing a sandwich. Security was supposedly searching for someone else. They Tased him, 'I don’t know how this happened, but they went off and shot him 16 times. That’s outright murder.'

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