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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

WTF Moment #11.. Chef Dismembers and Cooks His Model Girlfriend

Chef Dismembers Model

Here is another WTF moment for ya'll. A Australian chef name Marcus Volke killed himself after he dismembered and cooked his model girlfriend name Mayang Prasetyo.  The gruesome scene was discovered when the police responded to a call about 'rotten meat'

"I smelled something a few days ago, but we've had sewerage problems through the building over the past few weeks, which building managers have been trying to solve," Courtney Thorensen-Reichart, a tenant of the complex, told Brisbane Times. "It smelled like off dog food, so I just thought someone had either been feeding their animal or the dog had made a mess."

His mother also spoke out saying had no idea about Mayang Prasetyo, who is actually a transgender dancer.  The motive unclear, but neighbors said that the couple came of 'normal.

For her to be a transgender makes me wonder if he did not know she was a born a male and he found out and killed her.

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